Mobile First İndexing

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Mobile Priority Indexing

Mobile First Indexing In Turkish, Mobile Priority Indexing is the name given to the indexing and ranking process of mobile versions of websites.

Before the Mobile Priority Indexing process was notified, the searches made on Google were based on the desktop version and the desktop search efficiency of your website was taken as basis when determining the rankings.

Before the Mobile Priority Indexing process, websites that took into account the mobile user experience were mostly creating mobile versions of their sites on a different URL and announcing the mobile parts of their websites to Google with the rel = "alternate" tag.

With this application, which is a form of use offered by Google in order to optimize the scanning budget, most of the Google bots did not include the mobile version in the scanning process and evaluated the websites on the desktop version.

However, as we mentioned above, with Mobile Priority Indexing developed by Google, which is associated with the increasing use of mobile search and mobile devices worldwide, metrics that will increase mobile user experience such as mobile compatibility and mobile opening speeds have been highlighted and have started to play an active role in determining the rankings.

Mobile Priority Indexing does not mean that only mobile versions will be taken as a basis and the value of desktop versions has decreased. If there is no mobile version on your website, your website will of course continue to be indexed on the desktop version. However, the lack of mobile version of your website will negatively affect your search results by causing your desktop version to be measured on mobile.

Mobile Priority Indexing Importance

Mobile Priority Indexing will result in a definite drop in rankings if it is emptied. If a website that has not yet adapted to Mobile Priority Indexing is in the leading position in its department, it can be seen that the collapse process has started and from now on, its competitors are starting to leave that website behind in the rankings. Regardless of how good the SEO structure and age of the website is, if the mobile experience is bad and the website is constantly getting mobile crawling errors from Search Console, it will experience a decrease in rankings unless it is updated.

Your website's not being mobile friendly is a major disadvantage not only for Google and its robots, but also for your visitors.

To summarize, not being eligible for mobile-first indexing means a sheer loss of visitors and rankings.

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